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Pre-existing Postgres

While not officially recommended, it is possible to run Immich using a pre-existing Postgres server. To use this setup, you should have a baseline level of familiarity with Postgres and the Linux command line. If you do not have these, we recommend using the default setup with a dedicated Postgres container.

By default, Immich expects superuser permission on the Postgres database and requires certain extensions to be installed. This guide outlines the steps required to prepare a pre-existing Postgres server to be used by Immich.


Running with a pre-existing Postgres server can unlock powerful administrative features, including logical replication and streaming write-ahead log backups using programs like pgBackRest or Barman.


You must install into your instance of Postgres using their instructions. After installation, add shared_preload_libraries = '' to your postgresql.conf. If you already have some shared_preload_libraries set, you can separate each extension with a comma. For example, shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements,'.


Immich is known to work with Postgres versions 14, 15, and 16. Earlier versions are unsupported.

Make sure the installed version of is compatible with your version of Immich. For example, if your Immich version uses the dedicated database image tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.1, you must install >= 0.2.1, < 0.3.0.

Specifying the connection URL

You can connect to your pre-existing Postgres server by setting the DB_URL environment variable in the .env file.


# require a SSL connection to Postgres
# DB_URL='postgresql://immichdbusername:immichdbpassword@postgreshost:postgresport/immichdatabasename?sslmode=require'

# require a SSL connection, but don't enforce checking the certificate name
# DB_URL='postgresql://immichdbusername:immichdbpassword@postgreshost:postgresport/immichdatabasename?sslmode=require&sslmode=no-verify'

With superuser permission

Typically Immich expects superuser permission in the database, which you can grant by running ALTER USER <immichdbusername> WITH SUPERUSER; at the psql console. If you prefer not to grant superuser permissions, follow the instructions in the next section.

Without superuser permission


This method is recommended for advanced users only and often requires manual intervention when updating Immich.

Immich can run without superuser permissions by following the below instructions at the psql prompt to prepare the database.

Set up Postgres for Immich
CREATE DATABASE <immichdatabasename>;
\c <immichdatabasename>
ALTER DATABASE <immichdatabasename> OWNER TO <immichdbusername>;
ALTER DATABASE <immichdatabasename> SET search_path TO "$user", public, vectors;
ALTER SCHEMA vectors OWNER TO <immichdbusername>;


When installing a new version of, you will need to manually update the extension by connecting to the Immich database and running ALTER EXTENSION vectors UPDATE;.

Common errors

Permission denied for view

If you get the error driverError: error: permission denied for view pg_vector_index_stat, you can fix this by connecting to the Immich database and running GRANT SELECT ON TABLE pg_vector_index_stat TO <immichdbusername>;.